Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Is๐Ÿคก all ๐Ÿคชwe๐Ÿ‘ฝ see๐Ÿ˜ฑ and๐Ÿคก seem ๐Ÿ‘ฝbut ๐Ÿ™€a ๐Ÿฅณdream ๐Ÿฐwithin ๐Ÿคชa☻ dream.

I tell you America's laws and actually all of earths laws throughout basically every nation for the majority are twisted scenarios of sin and callous deliberate institutions of  hypocrisies galore..

Which hypocritically prevent true Christian's from honoring what jesus instructs humans in matthew 5: 17 to 20.
For example.
It's obvious cars and buses and planes and locomotives destroy earth and dishonor christ in every way.
In this life.
RegARding humanity.

So" in light of that truth" I avoided such modern transport technology for quite a space in time.
Trying to set an example for humans to follow.

Yet the more I tried to warn humans that modern technology destroys mother earth in countless ways the more devilish humans on earth hearkened to modern devilish transport in- ventions.
Wait a minute.
Do I feel a bit of reverse psychology logic approaching?
At sound velocity?

Uh huh.

So on that note I realized the only rational option left was related to reverse psychology.

Because if only this website writer avoids modern technology that still kills mother earth as well as dishonors xhrists ten commandments infinitely.-


Humanity is not listening to logic here 
On that note.

The entire human race is being hypocritical for the majority.
On such a matter.
Regarding proper transportation commissioned by christ  to all mortals on earth in this life.
Wherefore" on that note I deployed luke 16: 9 to such a scenario.

Which entertweines revelation 3.
Because you are lukewarm I will spue theee out of my mouth."""
Says jesus.
In other words hypocrites seek favours from christ while hypocrites mock Luke 4" 4 on all counts all counts.
This situation is now code nine blue alert.
Their will be no humans on earth soon if humans do not follow my simple instructions to save mother earth.

That is why I turned to paying my government money to get my drivers licence.

Which obviously pertains to luke 16: 9.
So I taught humans to do right by avoiding modern transports.
Devilish humans on earth refused to listen to my logic.

From today's age.

When I realized the accuracy of such a statement I realized the hopelessness of this situation.

Regarding cars on earth today.
And devilish humans all around me presently on earth.
Therefore I approached cars.
At that point.
Because I knew it was no longer rational summarily to avoid cars.
If no one else does good in avoiding cars or planes or other devilish forms of modern transport technologiess.

What good does it do me to stupidly waste time wandering around my from technological evil transport inventions?
Either way " I'm clearly not hypocritical about it.
I did everything I could to avoid such hypocritical transport inventions.
Testified even by the words I address here. In these websites.
All facts relating to such a topic clearly confirm I am righteous in such a matter.
Infinitely in fact.

No one else on earth basically did anything truly sincere or right in that regard.

Jesus is a righteous judge according to biblical scripture.
Jesus knows I am forced to use modern evil technological transport inventions.
Against my virtuous will.
Because earths present inhabitants devilishly hypocritically refuse to follow my virtuous instructions to avoid such evil modern technological transport inventions.

Therefore christ does not hold it against me if I approach such inventions.
If I am forced to do so.
Against my will.

Be warned of that truth.
You present devilish inhabitants of earth.
Earrhs inhabitants for the near majority" from this time frame of this existence " are infinitely hypocritical beyond all measures and reasons
Regarding such a matter addressed.
For the most part.

Unlike this website writer.

I blow the human race away in righteousness today.
In that regard.

I say unfortunately because I feel sorry for humanity today.

Humanity today is being deliberately sinfully crazy while they devilishly opt for the unneccacary devilish comforts of modern transport inventions" over the salvation of mother earth " in so many devilish hypocritical ways that it's actually shocking. 
See matthew 24: 51" isiah 9: 17" job 8 : 13 on such matters addressed.

How do I avoid modern devilish inventions if humanity on earth today does this on earth today?

With modern inventions?
I warned humans not to destroy earth this way.

I gave humans on earth from this time frame of this existence fair warning not to destroy earth this way.
Infinitely in fact.

I am clearly righteously on such a matter.
All facts relating to such a topic confirm the obvious accuracy of that statement just addressed.
Jesus honorably notes righteousness in that regard.

Infinitely in that regard.

Jesus does not hold it against someone who is forced to approach devilish inventions against his will.

As I am forced to do.

Here on earth.


Because humans on earth presently obviously love devilish hypocritical modern transport inventions far more then they love jesus.

Unlike this website writer.

The hypocrisy of the human race in that regard from this time frame of this existence is totally pathetic and infinite beyond all measure.
Though earths present inhabitants callously deliberately avoid that truth.

While earths present inhabitants place cars trains and numerous other devilish forms of modern transport ahead of the welfare of mother earth and hypocritically before the decent simple laws of christ.

So that is why i now

Use the sum of all the evils of the internet against evil workers of this time frame.

In such a regard..

Even during bicycle rides.

On planet earth. In this existence.

Connected to EPHESIANS 5: 11.

And luke 12; 1 to 3.

Including this.

Jews and arabs gone mad.

Dancing and prancing. 

And banging their heads . Some happily: others psychotically.

All entertaining shows.

News of such a show " in connection to Luke 12: 1 to 3  at high noon , one pm and 3 pm 

Week days.

Every day.

All this week.:

Where jews and arabs dance and prance around mind bogglingly happily together.

Some even  dance in psychotically terrifying as well as alarming states. 

In totally panic stricken feverishly wild  religious states.


Image result for beautiful make gifs motion images of the parousia of jesus christ"

A friend recently suggested to me humans have no solid proof that christ is real....
This associate also implied humans have no idea if god is a time traveler.
Who suspends time through  luke 1; 37. Connected to luke 13 " 1  to 3. becausein this life such a psycho tries hard  to avoid real truths.
And  deploy nonsense yes.. nonsense.
This associate said to me god was probably just some idiot.
Who hides truth from humans.
I asked this person if he thought that was righteous on gods part.
That person said """no.""""""
""That's crazy""" I said.

He said.

""" sure. Yes..

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