Tuesday, December 6, 2022


Before the age of 15 i had 3 older women " rape me." Im not sure how to explain it.
How i felt?
Where my mind was?
Thought patterns?
Where was i?.
In my brain?
While it happened.
I just dont know.
For example
I was selling chocolate bars door to door once.
For a youth program.
And that day, i ended up in a large apartment building complex.
One of the people who bought a chololate bar off me was a lady.probably about 30.
I was 13.
The way she fiddled around.
Searching her purse for the money.
She told me to sit down.
While she looked for cash.
And then  " all of a sudden" she sat on my lap and slowly undressed me.
I wasnt sure what to do.
So i let her.
The other two times were even weirder.
When i was 14.
Im not sure how it happened.
Or how to fully explain the experiences.
I like women.
Their beautiful.
Yet how do i explain that?
I think it affected my adult hood.
In dealing with relationships.
Now i suppose i should say this.

Ive done research in ancient christian and also jewish manscripts.

That actually were accepted by early christians as sacred scripture.
Before the catholic church ridiculously said christian and jewish scripture only possess 72 inspirational books.
And to be honest i
was somewhat surprised to read in those ancient jewish texts in various places that women enjoy sex more then men...
And i was also surprised to read that such texts teach humans that a mans physical structure is more beautiful and appealing then a womans body.
To me?
That sounded impossible.
Not even GOD Could make it that way.
I thought.
That men are more beautiful.
It just sounded completely impossible .
To me.
Then i remembered what jesus says in luke 1:37.
And i had to rethink that possibility.

I'll finish this comment with this.

As far as i can see?
The real answer to not ending up in a situation like what is being addressed here?..

Its honoring what christ says in matthew 19:17.
And psalm one.
In alignment to both luke 6:26 and luke 21:36 of christianity.
On that note.
These men who are coming forward here?
In this video?

Do they do what jesus says?
In matthew 19:17?
Or matthew 5:17-20?
Fully and truthfully.? I mean.

Or are they boasting that they are righteous for not following psalm one?
Because these things happened to them?
Psalm one speaks wonders on that note.